Arthroplasty or Joint Replacement is a surgical procedure where whole or part of a damaged joint is replaced by metallic or ceramic prosthesis. The main indication for joint replacement is osteoarthritis (OA). OA may be primary, i.e., age-related wear and tear; an inevitable outcome in every individual. In some patients, OA occurs early depending on […]
Read MoreOsteoarthritis (OA) of the knee is a major clinical burden with over 25% of people aged over 55 years suffering knee pain on most days of the month. Management of OA involves a step-wise approach based on the severity of symptoms, beginning with preventive approaches involving alignment correction and cartilage regenerative procedures as well as […]
Read MoreCricket is a game that touches the hearts of most Indians; a game whosepopularity exceeds even the national game of India, i.e. field hockey; agame that every child in India aspires to play; and a game that incitespassion among millions of fans in our country. Therefore, it is not surprisingthat cricketers like Sachin Tendulkar and […]
Read MoreSports is good for you but it carries with it the risk of injuries. As punishingschedules and excessive training become par for the course, sports injuriesand their accurate management are gaining importance. The incidence of sports-related injuries is stated to be as high as 11 per100 persons in the Olympic games. These injuries occur mostly […]
Read MoreSports injuries might seem unavoidable but athletes need to remember thatprevention is better than cure. Here are a few tips on how sportspersonscan avoid injuries and prevent damage to their bones, joints, muscles andligaments: Learn the correct technique to play the sport of your choice under atrained person. This can help minimise the risk of […]
Read MoreArthroscopic surgery is gaining importance in the world of sports and is a commonprocedure for most common joint injuries today. It is an ideal surgical option forsportspersons because it isolates the surgery to only the injured area, leaving thehealthy bone and tissue intact. Less pain, less joint stiffness and a shorter recovery timemakes arthroscopy an […]
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